A different kind of athlete. A different kind of approach.

I'm writing "You've Got Right Now" as a guide and response to the people who've asked me what I've done to get myself in shape. I don't anticipate that everyone will want to follow my exact training plan, but I'll give you the steps and ideas that changed my life, and could change yours as well.

Who I was before


  • 312 pounds with 40% body fat
  • Daily calorie intake over 4000 calories
  • Unable to run a mile without walking
  • Body mass index of 38 (Obese)




Who I am right now

  • 192 pounds with 14% body fat
  • Completed over 20 triathlons, 15 distance running and two cycling events
  • Paces a 7:05 mile over 4 miles
  • BMI of 24.3 (Healthy)





As the book progresses this will be the place to get the latest information. Watch this space for more information as it becomes available.

The "You've Got Right Now" Fitness Program Questionnaire

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